As consumers become more environmentally conscious and socially aware about the ill-effects of manufactured products, sustainability has become a need in modern times rather than being an advantage. Everyone knows about the impact on earth and its environment due to factories and their manufacturing processes. Sustainably sourced and reused fabrics help everybody do the little that they can to help conserve the Earth’s resources and its environment.
Monika Agarwal
In this regard, recycling has always been considered an environmentally friendly practice. And a recycled fabric is no less sustainable. Design houses can easily come across recycled fabric in the market or reuse the fabric used in the production of clothes and accessories that would have otherwise been disposed off. In fact, propagators of sustainability and eco-friendly practices advise in favour of recycled textiles and fabrics.
On the flipside, however, synthetic fibre comprise of almost 65% of the total world production of fibres. It consumes a lot of oil – which in itself is a renewable resource. Natural fibres like cotton, silk, wool tec. also make use of resources that needs to be conserved. Hence, making use of recycled fabrics will help in reducing the speed of their depletion.
Thus, to help conserve the limited resources Earth has to offer, Veave’s Studio has launched a home furnishing line of products called Teori Living. Products such as Table Mats, Table Runners, Cushion Covers and Tissue Boxes are all made using fabrics that would have been discarded. As Veave’s Studio converts “recycled fabric” into home furnishing products, there are lesser wastes to be disposed off overall. Textile waste would have been otherwise disposed onto land – creating more problems than solving them. In addition, since Veave’s Studio makes use of natural dyes using vegetables, it decreases the chances of harmful decomposition of textile. Moreover, it’s found in their product line that the entire collection presents embroidered and hand woven fabric which no doubt are recycled textiles and a good sustainable practice. This kind of practice is beneficial to the environment and highly recommended in the textile industry. Also, it allows for reduced carbon footprint left behind thereby reducing the overall cost of manufacturing textiles.
Hence, sustainability is advisable to everyone and recycling is a step towards it.