Beauty Main News

A new decade, a new body type

A few days back, I found myself scrolling through my watch later playlist on Youtube. It was a way to save videos for me back then. “Get thin thighs in only 5 minutes” caught my attention. It was a video I saved in my class 11th after feeling conscious in shorts. I didn’t have a tender and slim figure. Seeing girls of my age having this perfectly toned body, carrying shorts and sleeveless tops effortlessly used to leave me uncomfortable in my home, my body.
By Ritika
After thinking for a good amount of time, I remembered that famous Kareena Kapoor’s zero size figure that soon became the new trend and everyone’s goal. And yes, it added more anxiety and shame for people like me who couldn’t get that.
Skip to 5 years later, now the trends have changed and so is my choice of fitness videos. A new body type has become superior, instantly putting the others as something inferior. People don’t look forward to an extremely lean and flat body but more curvy figures or should I say in the Genz’s term? “Thicc”. I started wondering the whys and hows of this shift.
While spiralling into this trend of body types, I was shocked to see that it’s been going on for a long time. Every few decades, society makes a new mold for women to fit in. A body structure that comes into the spotlight and leaves others to wander in the dark. This creates a division among women and puts one type of body on the pedestal as “the most desirable”. For example, in the 1920s, a boyish figure with flat chests was considered as the perfect body but just a decade later, a curvy body with larger breasts depicting an hourglass figure was in trend.
I also came across this fact that most of the ideals that were presented to women were just a fragment of men’s imagination. “The Gibson girl” was just an illustration by Charles Gibson in 1890 that left numerous women of that era replicating the look. A woman in a corset showing an hourglass became a daily look.

Women’s bodies have never been treated like normal human bodies but it has always been an object of male gaze. What the current society feels as attractive is treated as the “normal“. But are human bodies a commodity that changes every decade according to the trends? Should women leave everything else and just focus on their weight? This is one of the reasons why some women opt for botox and several other surgeries. What about those who can’t afford that? What about those who don’t want to? And why should they?
Weight has become a topic of small talk among people. It is a casual thing to remind people that they have gained or lost weight. We, as a society has become so obsessed with perfectly sized bodies that we hesitate to accept something else. Women have become apologetic for something that is not even in their control. But every time, society presents a new dress and sets impossible goals, our women alter themselves, fakes it or fixes it, just to be accepted.
One also needs to understand that a body structure is not always dependent on physical fitness. A lean body could also be a result of economical restrictions and a voluptuous body of an eating disorder. Women are left with thoughts like they would feel beautiful if they would be born in a different era. Negative body image is one of the main causes of anxiety, depression and several other mental disorders. Promoting a thing that is not even in control of some people is the lowest a society can reach. Shouldn’t we be considered more about their health and intellect than their alluring bodies?
According to a survey mentioned by The Guardian, “One in 10 women said they had self-harmed or “deliberately hurt themselves” because of their body image, compared with one in 25 men”.
So, what is the solution? How does this trend of body types stop? In the recent past, various talks around body positivity have been started. This has surely benefitted and made us aware of our internalised problematic beliefs. Celebrities have come out and shown themselves without filter and from different angles. But till the time, every woman reading this would not feel comfortable with her/their thick or thin thighs in whatever era they are living in, the world would not be a better place. This is a journey of understanding that the problem is not you but them. This change would not and cannot come tomorrow. However, with sincere and collective efforts from the society, it would not be too far.

Beauty Main News

Manicure trends to follow in 2021

The previous year has been tremendous for nail art, including rehashes of the outstanding French nail treatment to the much-adored multi-apparent plan. As we look forward to coming months of 2021, our adoration for incarnate details is upfront. However, so is nail health, with a significant number of us taking a break from acrylics and embracing cuticle oils and toxin-free formulas? Neha Sharma, the founder of Lucullan Studios has recorded down some Manicure patterns that will run the Industry.
Multi-coloured nails
Figuring out how to consider new ideas was a need in 2020, and in 2021, individuals will apply that attitude to their nail treatments by painting every one of their nails an alternate tone. This is for those that need to offer a strong expression. Also, because the only skill this trend requires is knowing how to paint your nails, it’s the simplest way by a long shot to cause you to notice your nails. Furthermore, there’s no limit to the distinctive possible takes on this pattern: Keep the entirety of your clean in a similar shading family to make a light-to-dull ombré effect.
Embellished and Pre-Painted Press-On Nails
This easy DIY manicure technique made a significant rebound in 2019 and possibly prospered more when we got captured at home in 2020. While salons were closed down, nail specialists started giving custom press-on sets to send straightforwardly to their customers — in 2021, individuals will be giving it more a shot on their own. These will be enormous in light of the simple application — they deliver salon-quality nail craftsmanship, which would regularly require hours in a salon and be expensive, at home. They are not difficult to change the shape, style, and shade, and keep going comparably long.
Throwback Designs
Nostalgia has been a vital factor of 2020 for obvious reasons; that’s not easing up in 2021, all things considered. This is the reason there’s been an influx of a retro restoration through nail trims that give a gesture to the ’60s and ’70s feel. This is communicated through natural shades matched with pastel brilliant and realistic, swirly.
Going On Mute
Celebrities have been inclining toward splendid tones with quieted undercurrents Celebrities float towards these tones for red rugs, cover looks, and consistently wear since they complete any look without a glaring assertion. They are additionally quieting colours that have a vibe positive mindset.
Negative Space
For 2021, nail treatments presumably won’t be just about as open as they were before the pandemic. Any individual who goes in for a manicure ought to pick their plans shrewdly — enters nail craftsmanship that utilisation negative space. For the individuals who are going to the salon for administrations, the negative space nail craftsmanship pattern is mainstream because the development out is less recognisable over the long run. A negative space nail craftsmanship configuration takes into account a surprise effect of the natural nail, usually around the cuticle area. This allows the clients to extend the time between their appointments and save money as the frequency of the salon visit can extend from every two to three weeks to about every four to five weeks.

Beauty Main News

Lockdown: Perfect time to care your skin

Here are a few summer skincare routine that be effective in keeping your face clean and radiant. The scorching heat can take away your natural glow and make your skin look dull. In normal situation, you could have headed towards a parlour to get a nice facial done. But in lockdown, you need to take care of your skin on your own.

In summer, you must look for a face wash that can remove the excess oil from the skin. Also in case you have dry skin, choose a non-foaming cleanser.
Exfoliating skin helps in removing the dead cells from the pores so that your skin can breathe. It can also rejuvenate your skin and keep it healthy. To exfoliate, you can use a nice face scrub available in the market.
In summer the scorching heat opens up your skin pores and that leads to clogging of these pores by dirt and oil. By using a toner, you can close the skin pores and prevent acne.

I hope you all like the tips.
(Sapanpreet Adlakha | Passionate Makeup Lover, Motivational speaker & Model)

Parul P Agarwal
Beauty Main News

How to get rid of the skin infection in monsoon, hot & humid weather?

Due to sometime rainy and wet weather and sometime hot and humid weather, your skin attracts infections real quick. You can get scalp infection, face burst outs, body rashes, fungus on your feet or nickels, these are such problems which we face during this seasons, so here are some of solutions to prevent such infections.

Your hair scalp becomes unhealthy and dirty during the monsoon season because rain water now-a- days is full of chemicals and adulteration. Try to use a good shampoo and a good conditioner as well which maintains the shaft of your hair and locks up the moisture of your hair. It is also, important to give your hair a proper oil massage on a regular basis because during rain, the humidity rate is very high which make your roots clogged. Despite of oiling, steaming and masking should also be done. If you want to prepare a mask at home you can go for ingredients like banana with avocados or olive oil or amla, reetha and shikhakai are the best option I can suggest. Try to comb and your hair in a regular interval.
During monsoon, do not try to wear synthetic or tight clothes, just try to give your body enough space for respiration, otherwise you can also get skin infections or rashes. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should apply all disinfectant products (like soaps, powders, body lotions, etc.) over your skin which helps in preventing your skin from all the infections even at the time of humidity and body sweats.

Try to keep your nails more cleanly and hygienic which can prevent your nails for getting infections. Be extra careful at the time of having manicure and pedicure, make sure you always dip your nails in antiseptic water and the equipments you are using are clean and fresh. Wear open mouthed footwear to give it a proper air passage which prevents it from fungus. Steam your hair with Luke warm water and give a gentle dry massage to your feet at night.
Make sure to keep your face always clean to prevent acne, rashes or to prevent pigmentation. You can even use disinfectant wet tissues for face. Do not use a lot of oily make up products; it should be more towards a powdery or mineral base which is friendly to your skin. Also, try to use good quality make up products because your skin attracts infection real quick due to high temperature and humidity.
Your skin and body reflects what you feed them. So, be careful about what you eat. Try to not to eat fast food or unhygienic food. Or if you are very restrained to eat fast food so, you should make sure that the food is fresh and it’s steaming hot, do not eat precooked food.
So overall, to keep your bodies healthy try to drink 10-12 glass of water per day so that you can flush out the bacteria through urine. So, try to drink a lot of fluids and make sure to clean your body hygienic, like you can take bath in both morning and evening. Try to wear more of the cotton clothes than the synthetic ones.

So, these are some ways through which you can keep your body clean and disinfectants.

By hair and makeup expert Aashmeen Munjaal, director Star Salon and Academy

Beauty Main News

Is your lifestyle affecting your skin?

Skin care may take back seat in everyday hustle-bustle. This provides an opportunity to chemical-laden cosmetics, stress and improper eating habits to attack and snatch off skin’s natural radiance and glow. Since lifestyle and skin care contributes greatly not only to your looks but also on how you feel about yourself, you must take care of it.
Cleanse, tone and moisturise daily
The rule of thumb for flawless glowing facial skin still remains a regular cleansing, toning and moisturising routine. When it comes to cleansing, rose water is the best cleasing agent. Take cotton wool, dab it with rose water and apply it on the face to feel fresh and clean immediately. Cleansing your face twice a day will prevent breakout of pimples. Always make it a point to follow your cleansing routine by toning. Tulsi water is a great nourishing toner and you can use it with a piece of cotton wool. Now, make a mixture of onion juice, multani mitti and honey. Use this as a natural moisturiser to bring back freshness and glow on your face. Use this for achiving a glowing face.
Use lime juice as a scrub
Mix lime juice with sweet almond oil and sea salt. Use your fingers or a cotton wool and apply it on your face in a circular motion. This natural scrub will remove dead cells from your face giving a radiant glow. Lime peel also aids in fading scars and pimple marks from face.
Use besan (gram flour) to get rid of tan
To treat sunburns, you may apply a mixture of one spoon of besan (Gram Flour) and two tablespoon of curd on your face. Let it dry for half an hour and rinse off with cold water. This face mask is a great aid in making your skin clear, soft and glowing naturally. For sensitive skin, mix curd with this mixture and cleanse the sun tanned skin with the paste.
Beauty tips for soft skin
Cucumber – A wonderful beauty aid
If you want a happy skin, then cucumber is the answer. You may improve your complexion by applying a paste of cucumber mixed with raw milk. It will take 15 minutes for cucumber juice to seep into your skin then wash off with fresh water. It also helps in soothing and softening your skin.
Tomato- An antioxidant power blast
Tomatoes are great anti-oxidants. For wrinkle-free skin, mash two large tomatoes and apply it evenly on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with cold water. To make a paste, use one day old curd and mix with a tomato pulp. Apply this face pack daily in the morning to reveal a brighter and sparkling fresh complexion for beautiful face.
Use cucumber and lemon for removing blemishes
To naturally remove blackheads and have a fairer skin, prepare a paste with equal amounts of cucumber juice and lemon juice. Apply this paste on your face and neck before taking bath. Let your skin absorb it for at least ten minutes. With regular use you will notice lesser blackheads and a fairer skin tone.

Shalini Yogendra Gupta | Celebrity Makeover Artist

Beauty Fashion

hooded eyes makeup tips

From all the features which we fuss over in a beauty routine, we’ve got to admit that the eyes are the toughest. From the surgical precision required to draw eyeliner to the resolve required to stop blinking when applying mascara, eye makeup takes dedication. So when one has hooded eyes, the level of difficulty increases. This is due to the skin flap on the eye lid which restricts most makeup techniques which are followed for almond shaped eyes. So if you find eye makeup for hooded eyes a tough task, worry no more. We’ve got 3 key eye makeup tips to follow for your hooded eyes to look sensational.
The false crease
Position yourself looking straight ahead in front of a mirror. Use this position as a standard and mark a false crease slightly above your natural crease. As the hooded flap covers your natural crease, an artificial crease is more visible. You can either use the false crease as a benchmark for your winged eyeliner or as a blending point for your eye shadow.

Give the lower lid its due
While everyone loves a feline flick of eyeliner, the hooded flap can limit eye makeup on the upper lid. That’s why it’s about time you gave your lower eye lid a little more appreciation. To do so, you can define your eyes by lining your waterline with a black kohl pencil or creating a subtle look by smudging a brown kajal pencil on your lash line.
Brighten your eyes
Even if you’ve gotten a full night of sleep, the lack of lid space can create the appearance of tired, fatigued eyes. Correct this by waking up your eyes with the strategic application of a gold toned eye shadow. Taking the shadow on a narrow brush, apply it generously on inner corners of your eyes, the inner and outer half of your lower lash line and continue to extend it towards your brow bone. This will give the illusion of larger lids and will reflect more light to brighten up your eyes.
|| Celebrity Makeover Artist ||


Beauty tip by Shalini Yogendra Gupta


By Shalini Yogendra Gupta
Celebrity Beauty & Makeup Expert, Kanpur ||

Healthy skin is fundamental to looking your best, and it’s the one thing the beauty industry hasn’t really found a substitute for. Think about it: No matter how much makeup you put on, what clothes you wear or how you style your hair. Your skin is one of the first things people notice about you, and it can make or break your appearance.
Skin care should be a part of your daily beauty routine. By identifying your skin type, you can choose the most appropriate products to meet your skin care needs and learn what you should be doing on a daily basis to keep your skin looking as clear, young and healthy as possible.
So let’s start and identify you skin type. It’s very likely you fall into one of the basic categories:
Oily skin, this is usually a skin that has breakouts from time to time (pimples) and fills up easily with white heads and blackheads. Many times when the skin of the body is oily, the face is always oily. So the skin of the face is shiny, have breakouts too.  The hair is usually oily and has an oily smell too and needs frequent shampooing.
Oily skin tends to be smooth, needs frequents cleansing with drying agents and more often than not acne treatment is warranted.
Dry skin, also is easy to identify it a usually dull, flaky and sometimes itchy. Dry skin needs special care, no scrubbing, no hot water, frequent moisturizing and trying to limit exposure to chemical agents (chlorine and soap)
Dry skin if not taken well care of will develop eczema. Red, itchy patches that need treatment.
Sensitive skin is not very common. It is the sort of skin that reacts badly to creams, perfumes, and any topical agent once applied to it. Dry skin may become sensitive but it’s not the rule. Sensitive skin is a genetic condition. There is not much to do except use special cleansers and moisturizers.
Combination skin- Many times, the skin of our bodies like the skin of our face is a combination of these types depending on the area. For example the back can be oily but the legs dry etc.
The key to any good skin care regimen is to figure out which skin category you belong to and choose your creams, cleansers and other treatments accordingly. And now that you have identified your skin type join me in my next video you help you create your perfect skin care regime to suit your skin type.
If your skin’s been taking a beating, it’s time you fight back. Take a look at this basic yet highly effective 4-step skin care routine that will completely transform the way your skin looks. And how people look at you.
Step 1: Cleansing
Before you even go to the local chemist to buy a cleanser, you need to identify what your skin type is. Would you offer an Eskimo ice-cream? No, you wouldn’t. It’s just like that. Once you are sure what your skin type is, namely, oily, sensitive, and acne-prone or dry, you will find a range of products that will suit your skin. And if you want natural skin care, there’s nothing like some good old fashioned yogurt cleansing.
Cleansing Tips
Warm water really helps loosen dirt and unclog your pores. Use a coin-sized quantity of cleanser and then rinse with cool water.
DO NOT cleanse too often or you will strip off all the natural oils that keep your skin healthy. In fact, only wash your face at night to remove makeup and sunscreen, which tends to clog pores.
When removing eye makeup, please use a legit makeup remover. And be gentle too! The area around your eyes is very delicate and rubbing too hard can damage it.
Cold cream is great if you’ve got dry skin. Just apply it and then wipe it off; don’t even use water.
NEVER wash your face with water that’s hot or cold because you can break capillaries; lukewarm water is just fine.
Step 2: Exfoliation
While the temptation to skip this step in your daily skin care routine is high, don’t. Exfoliate regularly and you will see the difference it makes! You can use a facial scrub or you can also put a bit of cleanser and white refined sugar on a damp washcloth and massage your skin in a circular motion. And if you can afford it, chemical peels work really well too.
Exfoliation Tips
Toners aren’t necessary; a good cleanser should suffice.
Step 3: Moisturize
If your skin is dry or feels tight, that’s a sure-fire way to know it needs moisturizing. Get an organic moisturizer if you can afford it else ask for a really mild moisturizer when you go to the chemist. Also, olive oil and coconut oil are amazing natural moisturizers for your skin.
Moisturizing Tips
DO NOT over-moisturize unless you want to clog your pores.
Use eye creams instead of moisturizers to soften the skin around your eyes. That’s because the area around your eyes is very thin and susceptible to wrinkles, which the eye creams take care of by thickening the skin in this area.
Step 4: Sunscreen
Did you know that sun damage is one of the biggest reason for the formation of wrinkles? Which is why, it’s essential you use a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.
Sunscreen Tips
DO NOT leave sunscreen on in the night; always wash it off. That’s because 24X7 use of SPF can really damage your skin.
Follow this daily if fabulous, glowing skin is what you want!



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