Tag - lifestyle

Main News Wellness

GenZ Natural Techniques for Anger Management

Ralph Waldo Emerson says that, “For every minute of anger, you lose 60 seconds of peace of mind”. This means that in a year, if you lose your cool for at least a minute, this means you lose around 365 minutes, which is 21,900 seconds, of peace of mind. In order to save it, there are certain natural techniques through which the anger has a high chance to vanish.
By Saswat Mishra

Start Humming Music:
Music is one of the most calming elements for any human being when stressed. And when we start humming music during the course of anger, the adrenaline in our head that heats up, automatically cools down and gives a peace of mind.
Hug someone close to you:
When someone embraces you in anger, the positive energy of the other person goes into your body, calming your anger and giving you the peace of mind you require.

Use Humor:
If anger is not your regular proposition, then laughter can be the best medicine to distract you from the reason to enrage you. Think of something funny and watch something funny instead, to cool down and laugh out well.
When mentally not in a stable form, use the negative mental energy to build up your physical form as the adrenaline can be of the best support to give you a sense of healthy work out with lot of energy you require to make your physique.
Punching Bag:
When you vent out your anger, the satisfaction stabilizes the mental health and our well-being. Therefore, the best way to vent all our anger can be a physical force with all the energy applied on a punching bag, that not only strengthens your physical body, but also satisfies your inner rage with justified outcome.
After a rundown on all natural techniques to calm the anger down, there needs to be a self-control on it as well. Because, if the anger cannot be controlled, the negative energy and the adrenaline can cause damage to the brain cells, which can result in a brain tumor or possibly death. So, controlling anger is seeking a peace of mind you require always.

Life Style Main News Wellness

Push out the stress from you and bloom all over

Modern lifestyle has brought into use machines, made life easy and is limiting the scope of physical activity. Busy and hectic work schedule and mismanaged lifestyle accompanied with consumption of processed food has widened the scope for stress in people and specifically the younger generation. Research data by American Psychological Association states that around 61% of stress is caused due to work and job pressure. Apart from work pressure and job insecurity, there are significant other reasons causing stress. Broken or insecure relationships, financial insecurity, late night work schedule, pleasing others and developing impressions or failing to meet are a few reasons that are highly seen as a cause of stress.
Well, now to call it an everyday partner, stress is turning out to be the evil in human life. The transformation in the food habits and adoption of western culture had already brought quite havoc in the lives of people. Consequently, stress is adding as an inducing factor to disrupt the lives of people physically and behaviourally. Stress has two specific enemies to be termed in a layman’s language. One is cortisol and the other is adrenaline. The more a person gets stressed, the amount of these hormones increases and the body functioning gets disturbed posing serious health risks.
To be more precise, the fact that is of high importance is that there are risks of getting various diseases due to stress. The unmanaged lifestyle and work pressure not only makes the person feel worried but also gives a long term problem attached with it. A few of serious illnesses caused due to stress are:
Heart Diseases
Until now, we knew that long-term stress can result in heart attacks. But the closely produced fact found by scientists is that cortisol changes the colour of the white blood cells, thereby encouraging the cells to attach themselves with the blood vessel walls. This causes the formation of plaque, which is a key factor for heart related problems.
Depression and other mental disorders
Well, this is a previously known fact that stress is the major cause of depression and has everything to do with mental health. Also the research reports have stated that the cortisol level in severely depressed people was too high, which can result in permanent damage to brain cells. Stress plays with hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine that majorly affects the mood, appetite and sleep functioning of a person creating a chronic issue.
Ulcers and stomach problems
It has been found that stress is a major factor for weakening the immune system. As a result, the elevated level of stress in the body allows the bacteria to grow in the gut because of weak immunity. So, in problems such as stomach ulcer, indigestion, heartburn and ulcerative colitis, stress happens to be the ultimate reason.
Now, the question is do we have any solution for these stress related disorders? Can we not take the help of medicines? Is there a natural solution for this never ending stress issue? Fortunately yes, we have that effective solution that can give a new perspective towards life. And that magical solution is Yoga. Yoga has a solution for many illnesses and more importantly stress. It’s not just about the twisting and turning of the body but it’s all about the calmness that these activities provide to both body and mind. Studies have come out with the fact that people who practice yoga for at least 3 months have been found with lower cortisol levels. Although it is an ancient practice, it is giving after effects in the modern days and has been found reliable by many. Here are a few yoga asanas that will act as a cure for prolonged stress:
This asana stretches your thighs and ankles and thus helps in relieving the stress by calming the mind. Apart from stress, it is also beneficial for people with neck and back pain. You just have to kneel down and sit on your heels. Now, bend forward till your chest touches your thighs and keep hands on side. Breathe lo9ng and deep and then come to the normal state. Keep repeating it for 10 mins and you can find it as a good way of stretching.
Just like Balasana, this pose is a beneficial form for the spine and lower back. This asana is a great stress reliever, improves digestion and stimulates the liver. Sit down with your feet extended forward. Bend and hold your feet with your hand till your stomach touches your thighs. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds and then change back to normal.
This asana is also known a s eagle pose and is a best way for improving concentration and dealing with anxiety. Stand straight and cross your legs and hands like an eagle. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then rest back to normal. It also helps to calm the mind by making it focus on the body.
To remove exhaustion and anxiety, this asna is the best remedy. This asana is a great posture corrector too and helps in lengthening the spine. You just need to sit down with a straight spine and extend your feet. Now gently bend your left foot and place it under your right knee and right feet under your left knee. Slightly twist yourself to either side and focus on your breathing. Hold one position for 60 seconds and then move to another.
The need of the hour is to improve our lifestyle, change our food habits and incline ourselves more to physical activities. Though we would find it hard to accept, in ancient times people were stronger because of mainly the physical activities and lifestyle. So, if ever you find yourself stressed, just go for a bit of yoga and relax your mind and body. It’s your body and you certainly need to take care of it.
By Virika

Life Style Main News

A suspicion of life and the consequence

Man has been survived today and the same man is being departed on the other day. Subsequently, from being birth till death, man has been enduring in this world under the name called “life”. As has been imagined by many people, everyone starves to dwell their lives with happiness, prosperity and pleasure, should this certainly be true? Maybe not, prosperity and pleasure have been discerned in an awry implication by many, despite the fact may prevail contrary.
Contrary in the sense means to be residing for others satisfaction and their dignity. Man breathes for himself, his family and his friends in the form of love, rather throbs others feelings and underestimating other people’s dignity in order to formulate himself and his own people delighted; Should this dwelling of happiness formulates his gratification life long? Maybe not, Man resides himself and his beings and disappeared one day, this may creak quite bad to the humans. And so it is necessary to abide for others lives and also being an assisting hand to them while they are about to recede in their lives without any help. This sort of satisfaction and prosperity is being existed until the world exists.
Success, fame and money have been playing a significant role in each and everyone’s life, although the major significance is being accomplished while the man stands a reason behind one’s smile. It may be interpreted like that is impossible to formulate a smirk of a smile on everyone’s face, although one man may strive to evolve a motive for at least one’s smile, maybe it’s possible.
Sometimes people uttered a sentence called, “Life is a game, life is a race, try to conquer first otherwise this life whacks you bad”. Should this sort of sentence be necessary for the people? This sentence may be discerned by the meaning of the anxiety about one’s forthcoming future, either if one’s journey of race is being dropped off, then his or her life may be disappeared somewhere in the distress of his or her deliberation about their past. In spite to date, neither has been witnessed the future not had been rewinding our past. Life seems to be unpredictable, maybe it is, despite the fact about life may be a question mark to everyone, even though all the compassionate lives in this world may obtain an answer to the question of life.
By Lakshmi Prabha Swaminathan

Main News Men

Etiquette For Donning Men’s Suit

You have picked a well-tailored suit and you are happy. The day arrives, and you are ready to don it for some special occasion and there you start entering into a confusing state. The thoughts ~ “Oh! Which tie”, “which shirt, this one or that one”. Crossing the hurdle of mixing and matching everything you are wearing today, then the question arises ~ when to button-up and when to open the buttons of the jacket. Let’s go through some of the cardinal rules of donning a ‘Suit’.

Riddle of Buttons
The trickiest part of wearing a formal jacket is knowing when to keep it open and when to button it up. While standing, it is the Gentleman’s choice to keep it open or button-up. One thing we always need to keep in our mind, the last button is purely for aesthetic purpose. Always keep it open. But exception is always there, wearing one-button jacket. Unfasten the buttons, while sitting down. Saves from spoiling the suit to looking stuffy and suffocating.
Vest too follow the same rule of not closing the bottom most button.
Complementing Shirt
On contrary to jacket’s buttons, one is supposed to use all the buttons on the shirt. While trying out dress shirt, put an extra emphasis on the collar size so when buttoned-up, you don’t feel choked and keep fiddling with the collar every now and then.
Now direct your focus at your wrists. The cuffs should not go beyond the wrist bones means not to flow over the hands. Cuffs should be buttoned up and use of cufflinks is always recommended.
Playing Mates ~ Shoes & Belt
This is the one part we take quite casually. We, in general, forget to match the color of our belt with the shoes i.e., when you are wearing a black belt the shoes should always be black. No exceptions. Now if you are slapping a leather-strap watch around your wrist, the strap’s color should also match the color of the belt and shoes. Addition to this, never forget to match your leather bag’s color with the other three items. It all should always complement the color of your suit.
Perfecting the Tie
Only tying the knot of a Tie doesn’t complete the task, one needs to keep a track of its length. The tip of the Tie should be just above the buckle of the belt. If it is bit longer or shorter, do it again till perfecting the length. Keep the color of the Tie in contrast to the suit but always be darker than your shirt. And make sure, tie-bar shouldnever exceed the width of the tie.
Tit-bits For Tightening It Up
Wear your socks in tone with your trousers and long enough to cover your legs even when you are seated.
Trousers should slide down just on the top of your shoes. Going below that will transform the smartly fitted pants into a baggy one, and if too short will expose the socks.
The hem of the jacket shouldn’t be inching below the zipper of the trousers. Once bought, lose all the threads binding the vents and the pockets along with outside labels.
If wearing suspenders, don’t bother to wear a belt too. Both serve the same purpose. Also, avoid accessorizing too much, let your suit do the talking.
This is just some of the basics of wearing a suit. Stay with me for diving deep into the ocean of knowledge of etiquette of donning a suit.

Life Style

Can Recycled Fabric Be Used In Home Furnishing Products

As consumers become more environmentally conscious and socially aware about the ill-effects of manufactured products, sustainability has become a need in modern times rather than being an advantage. Everyone knows about the impact on earth and its environment due to factories and their manufacturing processes. Sustainably sourced and reused fabrics help everybody do the little that they can to help conserve the Earth’s resources and its environment.
Monika Agarwal

In this regard, recycling has always been considered an environmentally friendly practice. And a recycled fabric is no less sustainable. Design houses can easily come across recycled fabric in the market or reuse the fabric used in the production of clothes and accessories that would have otherwise been disposed off. In fact, propagators of sustainability and eco-friendly practices advise in favour of recycled textiles and fabrics.
On the flipside, however, synthetic fibre comprise of almost 65% of the total world production of fibres. It consumes a lot of oil – which in itself is a renewable resource. Natural fibres like cotton, silk, wool tec. also make use of resources that needs to be conserved. Hence, making use of recycled fabrics will help in reducing the speed of their depletion.

Thus, to help conserve the limited resources Earth has to offer, Veave’s Studio has launched a home furnishing line of products called Teori Living. Products such as Table Mats, Table Runners, Cushion Covers and Tissue Boxes are all made using fabrics that would have been discarded. As Veave’s Studio converts “recycled fabric” into home furnishing products, there are lesser wastes to be disposed off overall. Textile waste would have been otherwise disposed onto land – creating more problems than solving them. In addition, since Veave’s Studio makes use of natural dyes using vegetables, it decreases the chances of harmful decomposition of textile. Moreover, it’s found in their product line that the entire collection presents embroidered and hand woven fabric which no doubt are recycled textiles and a good sustainable practice. This kind of practice is beneficial to the environment and highly recommended in the textile industry. Also, it allows for reduced carbon footprint left behind thereby reducing the overall cost of manufacturing textiles.

Hence, sustainability is advisable to everyone and recycling is a step towards it.
(Inputs By Vatsala Chopra Founder of Veave’s Studio)

Life Style

kuch toh log kaheghe

‘Log Kya Kahenge’ Syndrome Has Destroyed Many Lives Since The Time Of Ramayana!
The festival season is on, and it’s easy to over-spend! Listen to a mom tell us why financial planning is so important now!?
‘Log kya kahenge’ is an illness Indian society has. So much that is wrong with it is because of this fear of what people will say, since ancient times, even found in our epics.
As a 90’s kid I grew up watching the Ramayana every Sunday on national television. I loved it; somehow it had and still has, a soothing effect upon me. The characters are beautiful yet simple and graceful at the same time. On the one hand, there are so many things to learn, yet on the other hand there are too many questions left unanswered.
Since then I have seen the repeat telecasts of the same or different versions on various channels. Read books of and about this epic. Spent countless hours googling for insights.
When I came across Devdutt Patnaik’s Sita, I just had to read it. And this book definitely answers a lot, if not all of the critical questions. These questions are important for me, because maybe being a girl or maybe just because I am sensitive to women’s issues.
Searching for answers
Don’t know why but I have been searching for the answer to why Ram, the ideal king, asked for his pregnant wife to be left in a forest. His actions being the most noble, to be replicated by all his followers – then why did he set such an example? Was it the right thing to do? I have many a times searched for answers, but all I could ever find was how Sita had the abilities to survive in a forest, how she was Earth’s daughter, how she raised her sons alone till they were 14, how she trained them to praise Ram, sing songs about his glory.
On one side Ramayana shows Ram as a normal human being, a righteous king, who wants to set a good example and leaves his wife so that his people feel that he did the right thing. And on the other hand, the same Ramayana glorifies Ram as God incarnate, who defeated the greatest evil in the form of Ravana.
So Ravana kidnapped somebody’s wife, and as a result we have spent centuries burning his effigy, and adding to the already polluted air. And the one who asked for his wife to be left in a forest, without so much as a confrontation, he becomes God, and is worshipped, his name a mantra in itself!
Log Kya Kahenge?
If it were me, I would rename Ramayana to Log Kya Kahenge or ‘what would people say?’
Kaikeyi asks Dushratha to grant her the pending three wishes. Send Ram to forests for 14 years. He has to keep his promise, otherwise log kya kahenge that a Raghukal king did not keep his promise.
Ram keeps his father’s promise and leaves for the jungle. Because log kya kahenge that a son of the Raghukal clan refused his father’s orders.
Ram rescues Sita and takes her Agni Pariksha to test her purity. Because log kya kahenge. After all she spent many months at Ravana’s Lanka. What if she had failed this test? What would Ram had done then? After all, she was kidnapped, it was not like she went there for a holiday.
Then a washerman tells his wife some gossip about Sita, and Ram decides to leave her. Wasn’t the punishment of staying in forests for 14 years enough? Or the trauma of being kidnapped and taken to a foreign land enough? Log kya kahenge, better to leave Sita in a forest. So did he go to rescue her just because, log kya kahenge, such a great king could not even protect his wife?
And the same happening today
In today’s society, log kya kahenge is a mindset very difficult to get rid of. People crave for a son, rejecting the girl child, just because of this same mindset. An unmarried daughter is a matter of shame, not because she could be unhappy but because log kya kahenge. Rape victims are forced to commit suicide upon being rejected by their families because log kya kahenge.
Isn’t it time to reject this notion? To just for once live a life of our own liking and not make it about what people would think? Shouldn’t we let our sons, daughters, parents, take decisions about their life and to not worry about what society will think? Isn’t it time to write another epic, change the texts, set positive examples?
Is there any cure for the fear of what others will think? Because this one line has been the cause of far more deaths, both physically and mentally, than any calamity ever.
Lastly, just to add a bit of cheer and hope, a few lines from an evergreen song that you can also watch here: Kuch to log kahenge, logo ka kam hai kehna…chodo bekar ki bato ko..kahi beet na jaye raina…



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