Beauty Main News

Natural remedies to lighten dark underarms

By Saman Luqman // Any time of year, dark underarms can be embarrassing. While it’s true that most Indian women suffer from this skin condition, there’s something you need to know! If you have dark armpits, you can lighten them at home without visiting a dermatologist. Let’s look at five kitchen remedies for getting rid of dark underarms.

Baking soda

A household staple, baking soda is the best way to lighten underarms. Making a thick paste is as simple as mixing baking soda with water. Scrub the underarms with this paste twice a week. Wash off the mixture after scrubbing and pat dry the area.

Coconut oil

It is the most commonly available oil in the country as it is produced locally, and it is regarded as the most useful. Coconut oil contains vitamin E, a natural skin lightening agent. Every day, massage coconut oil into your underarms and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with normal water afterward.

Apple cider vinegar

Because apple cider vinegar contains mild acids, which are natural cleaners, it also cuts fat and removes dead cells. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and baking soda together and apply to your armpits. When it’s dry, rinse it with cold water after five minutes.

Olive oil

Women in ancient times used olive oil to enhance their beauty, and this is still the case today. You can make your own homemade exfoliator by mixing one tablespoon of olive oil with one tablespoon of brown sugar. Allow it to air dry for a few minutes after scrubbing for two minutes. Finally, rinse with plain water.


Lemons are considered to be natural bleaching agents. Every day before taking a bath, rub half a lemon on the dark area for two-three minutes.




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