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Life Style Main News Wellness

A ‘danda’ adds some fun to Malaika Arora’s daily workout.

I like to add a bit of fun to my daily routine by adding core strengthening poses like Trikonasana and its variations,” Malaika said. Even if you have mastered a yoga pose, you can always improve. In her challenging fitness classes, Malaika Arora shows us how to do that. Malaika mastered Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle pose recently, but with a twist. The 48-year-old used a stick or ‘danda’ in the practice.
Here’s how to do it.
*Avoid doing this pose if you have a neck or back injury.
The pose strengthens and stretches the legs, and opens the chest which improves breathing, and helps aid balance. Doing it with a stick adds more pressure to the workout and keeps the core engaged.

Life Style Main News Wellness

Yoga practice makes person healthy & fit

Staying healthy is not easy but very important, there are many benefits to being healthy. Regular Exercising coupled with healthy and balanced diet goes a long way in keeping us energetic and healthy. It is essential to find some time to devote to one’s health, no matter how busy we are and whatever is our age.
Shivani Saxena

Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to enroll in a gym, one can work out from home also. For starters, one such exercise is Surya Namaskar. It has many benefits like.

Improved Better digestive system.
Maintaining blood sugar level.
Reduces anxiety.
Helps the body to detox.
Improves Sleep

Another variation of Surya Namaskar, ie doing it at a very fast pace is a good alternate of Cardio Exercises one can do in the Gym.
As the country battles the Covid’19 pandemic, yoga has been rediscovered as a mean to boost immunity, improve overall health and wellbeing. Lack of proper sleep, poor nutrition and stressful life all lead to a weakened immune system and leaves us vulnerable to sickness. Unfortunately many such bad habits have creeped in our lifestyle and we need to make a conscious effort to make the necessary changes in our lifestyle. Practising Yoga regularly and consistently is one such good habit we can adopt.
We should also not undermine the benefit of drinking lots of water, it keeps us well hydrated and helps the body perform better.
Stay healthy, stay safe.

Main News Wellness

7 Healthy Lifestyle habits in young people to keep away from Diabetes

An unhealthy lifestyle (overweight and obese) is increasing Type 2 Diabetes in young people.

Regular exercise
Playing sports
Being proactive at job
Working for 8 hours
Yoga and Pranayama
Well balanced nutritious food in proper quantity at right time “Hitabhuk, Mitabhuk, Ritabhuj”
Maintaining ideal weight according to height. Ideal weigh = Height in cms-100

Regular exercise in morning is of very much importance as it leads to energy expenditure, overcomes insulin resistance and regulates glucose metabolism. Exercise in morning leads to physical and mental wellbeing. Though vigorous exercise causes fatigue, moderate exercise including sports has positive impact in maintaining glucose homeostasis. Playing sports is part of exercise with same benefits as it enhances stamina, breathing capacity, intellectual skills. Exercise and sports leads to release of endorphins which relieve stress and has positive effects on mood. Exercise has beneficial effects on plasticity of nervous system and motility of gastrointestine.
Type I Diabetes subjects should avoid heavy vigorous exercises like marathon, cycling long distance etc. Intake of well-balanced nutritious food in proper quantity at right time is necessary to keep away diseases including diabetes.
As mentioned in Ayurveda, Hitabhuk, Mitabhuk, Ritabhuk
Hitabhuk: One should eat only healthy foods which are beneficial and not harmful
Mitabhuk: One should never eat in excess. A person should eat according to his or her body constitution. We should fill 50% of our stomach with solid food, 25% with fluids and rest should be kept empty
Ritabhuk: One should eat according to the season. We should also follow correct time for food intake.
Avoiding high calorie diet including unhealthy junk foods is the key to prevent overweight and obesity which leads to diabetes. Recent epidemic of non-communicable diseases is because of unhealthy lifestyle, overweight and obesity. Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Diseases, Metabolic Syndrome, NAFLD – Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is spectrum of illness due to root cause of unhealthy lifestyle which leads to obesity. Thus one should maintain ideal body weight (which equals Height in Cms minus 100) by doing regular exercise, playing sports and following healthy diet plan.
Being active and working 8 hours a day I essential for healthy lifestyle. Either physical or mental work helps in avoiding sedentary lifestyle which leads to diabetes. A person should be proactive at job, agile thinking of process which creates sense of wellbeing. Studies have shown that there is a positive impact on one’s own health with such state of mind. Everybody should focus on development and contribute for the same. 8 hours smart work is healthy lifestyle.
Yoga and pranayama have their own benefits which are yet to be elucidated scientifically. Practice of Yoga and Pranayama overcomes insulin resistance and improves insulin secretion. It should be part of our daily routine for healthy lifestyle, preventing diabetes.
No exercise, no sports, no work, irregular binge intake of junk unhealthy food leads to obesity causing Type 2 Diabetes in young people.
Watching TV for long hours, playing games on mobiles, long night hours should be avoided. Screen time should be regulated as per age and work otherwise leads to unhealthy lifestyle.
Reading articles on fitness, benefits and advantages of moderate exercise and sports, usefulness of Yoga and Pranayama will create motivation to do the same until it becomes a part of one’s own routine. Following above will lead to healthy lifestyle and positive impact on one’s personality.
By Monika Agarwal
(Input – Dr. Sheetal Reddy Desai, MD – General Medicine, MBBS, Fellowship in Diabetes, Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Apollo Clinic HSR Layout)



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