We have been seeing a shift in matrimonial trend where we see many in the early forties n even late fifties or early sixties coming forward to sign up with us . They maybe those who have either missed the bus earlier or are contemplating to give it a second try!
Monika Agarwal
In the early times, parents got paranoid if their children were not married n settled in their twenties! Late marriages have become a trend now.
We, at “Match Me”, have many clients ranging in the age group 40 to 60. Majority of the ones in their forties are career oriented n totally focussed. Marriage was never contemplated in the race of building a successful career. Or maybe they just didn’t meet the right one. Divorce has become very acceptable now . The mindset of parents today has also changed drastically where parents have stopped thinking like the parents of yester years who thought of divorce as a taboo. After a few years of divorce ,Loneliness begins to creep in n the need to resettle for emotional security n companionship makes them want to give marriage a second chance! Children today are also open to the idea of their single parent marrying again! They support their parents to look out for a compatible partner .
We, at “Match Me” are dealing with many ‘second timers’ and it really makes us sit back n think, “Is this the new age, new mindset or the new trend?!?”